Short Stories  >  Scribbler Tales (Volume Three)

Scribbler Tales (Volume Three)

Scribbler Tales (Volume Three)

Released:  January 11, 2015

Available Formats:  Paperback/eBook/Audiobook

Publisher:  Whispering Legends Press

A Justice Threatened. A Nightmare Rekindled. A Vengeful Quest.

In a suspense-filled saga, a clandestine theft of a revolutionary engine design signals an insider’s betrayal. A woman’s return to her ancestral roots awakens dormant childhood horrors. In the shadows of justice, a detective’s frantic pursuit of a vengeful killer targeting legal warriors unfolds. The chilling reality of a night stalker’s presence forces a desperate plea for protection. Amidst fiery chaos, a fire marshal’s investigation into serial arson leads to a shocking suspicion within the ranks of the brave.

Tags: short reads, anthologies, single author, literature and fiction, short stories, mystery and thrillers, paranormal, fantasy, romance, suspense, drama, betrayal, short stories, contemporary fiction., short story collections

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