Novellas  >  AnaRose and Pharaoh’s Gold

AnaRose and Pharaoh’s Gold

AnaRose and Pharaoh’s Gold


  • Released: February 11, 2024
  • Available Formats:
  •  Publisher: Whispering Legends Press


B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

A stolen relic. A ruthless cult. An ancient evil.

AnaRose Preston, museum curator and archaeologist, races against time to intercept a priceless Egyptian artifact before it vanishes into the black market’s shadows. The Cult of Apophis, relentless in its pursuit, vows to reclaim the relic that cradles its deity’s soul. With the balance between modern chaos and ancient evil at stake, AnaRose confronts the cult’s ruthless tactics head-on, determined to thwart its plan to unleash hell on earth.

Buy AnaRose and Pharaoh's Gold now and savor the adventure of a lifetime.

Tags: Historical Action and Adventure, Mystery Action and Adventure, Historical Mystery Fiction, Action and Adventure, Mystery Action, Mystery Thriller and Suspense, Fiction Action and Adventure, Novella under 200 pages, Novella books, Novella

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