Novellas  >  AnaRose and Medusa's Curse

AnaRose and Medusa's Curse

AnaRose and Medusa's Curse

Released: January 18, 2025

Available Formats:

Publisher: Whispering Legends Press

Coming this winter - available for pre-order

A feared artifact. An ancient curse. A menacing enemy.

Join AnaRose Preston, a savvy museum curator and antiquity expert, as she confronts the ticking clock of destiny. In a desperate bid to foil a malevolent organization’s hunt for the dreaded Medusa pendant, AnaRose plunges into a labyrinth of peril and treachery. Can she derail their nefarious plans with her sharp intellect and indomitable courage? Or will she witness the dawn of an era frozen in stone by terror?

Tags: Historical Action and Adventure, Mystery Action and Adventure, Historical Mystery Fiction, Action and Adventure, Mystery Action, Mystery Thriller and Suspense, Fiction Action and Adventure, Novella under 200 pages, Novella books, Novella

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