Novels  >  The Briton and the Dane: Concordia

The Briton and the Dane: Concordia

The Briton and the Dane: Concordia

Released:  January 1, 2013

Available Formats: Hardcover/Paperback/eBook/Audiobook

Publisher: Literary Underground

Book four in the series


2019  Book of the Year
Historical Fiction Honorable Mention
The Coffee Pot Book Club

A Captive’s Cunning. A Thrilling Chase. A Hidden Truth.

In a time of prosperity in Ninth Century Britain, a noblewoman bound to a warrior seeks the thrill of the unknown. Captivated by the allure of distant lands, she persuades her husband to set sail for Rome. Pirates abruptly end their voyage, and she finds herself a captive. Amidst the splendor of a Saracen court, a chance for escape emerges. Caught in a labyrinth of deceit and desire, she must use her cunning to outwit her captors and reclaim her freedom from the exotic lands of Muslim Hispania.

Tags: drama, dark ages, middle ages, medieval, pirates fiction, action and adventure, romance, historical fiction, coming of age, epic saga, medieval conflict.

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