Novels  >  The Briton and the Dane: Birthright

The Briton and the Dane: Birthright

The Briton and the Dane: Birthright

Released:  April 9, 2013

Available Formats:  Hardcover/Paperback/eBook/Audiobook

Publisher: Literary Underground

(Second Edition) Book two in the trilogy


A Usurper’s Rise. A Fierce Struggle. A Vicious Siege.

In the aftermath of triumph, England’s peace teeters on a knife-edge. A wronged Norseman steps from the mists, his ambition fixed on the throne from which he was denied. Gathering a host of forsaken warriors, he prepares for a confrontation. The ruler, whose dominion spans from Kent’s shores to Northumbria’s untamed lands, senses the impending challenge. On the silent plains of Thetford, a pivotal battle looms, one that will etch itself into history. The whimsical gods of war stand ready to cast their fateful dice, deciding the legacy of a throne rooted in Viking valor.


Tags: drama, dark ages, middle ages, medieval, Vikings, action and adventure, romance, historical fiction, Viking conquest, Norse mythology, Medieval warfare, Viking sagas.

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